Open Science

Data for decision makers. Explore our open science products.

Our open science framework ensures that the region’s ongoing data collection efforts and trusted scientific research are transparent, reproducible, and discoverable. These data visualization tools summarize complex information and bridge the research-management divide, providing actionable science to support evidence-based decision making for the benefit of a healthy Tampa Bay.  We monitor and report on a suite of indicators to measure progress toward meeting CCMP goals and priorities.

At the core of our open science framework is the tbeptools software package for the R programming language. This open-source package includes all necessary tools to import data, analyze results, and plot the outcomes. Visit the tbeptools data viz page for more information.

This image shows a generalized open science workflow for creating assessment and reporting products. Data are obtained from our partners, synthesized with open source tools, hosted on GitHub, and served on our website. Automated daily processing ensures that products are timely and correct.

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