Jun 16, 2022 | Data Visualization, Waters & Sediments
Nitrogen pollution affects water quality and can reduce seagrass coverage Tools Shiny Dashboard GitHub Source Code Publications 2009 Reasonable Assurance Addendum Zarbock et al. 1994 TBEP tech report...
Dec 2, 2020 | Data Visualization, Habitats & Wildlife, Waters & Sediments
Overview Benthic invertebrates are a group of relatively small organisms that live the majority of their life cycles in or near bay bottom sediments. They are a food source for small fish and crustaceans and may provide some water quality benefits through sediment...
Aug 19, 2020 | Data Visualization, Waters & Sediments
The Tampa Bay Water Atlas is a collaborative effort between the University of South Florida Water Institute, TBEP, and our local partners. The Water Atlas is a data repository to help researchers, resource managers, and the general public better understand and...
Mar 26, 2020 | Data Visualization, Habitats & Wildlife, Waters & Sediments
Overview Tidal creeks or tributaries are essential habitats in the Tampa Bay estuary and are important focal points for understanding watershed inputs that affect water quality. A fundamental goal of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program is to develop effective nutrient...
Mar 26, 2020 | Data Visualization, Waters & Sediments
Overview The environmental recovery of Tampa Bay is an exceptional success story for coastal water quality management. Nitrogen loads in the mid 1970s have been estimated at 8.2 million kg/yr, with 5.5 million kg/yr entering the upper bay alone. Reduced water clarity...