Habitat Report Card

Habitat Report Card

Overview Thriving habitats and abundant wildlife are key priorities in the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP). The habitat report card is a two-page document that provides an accessible summary of habitat...
Economic Valuation of Tampa Bay

Economic Valuation of Tampa Bay

Overview The natural resources of Tampa Bay support essential industries such as tourism, mineral extraction, marine transportation, and other commercial and recreational activities. With funding support from the Tampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund (TBERF), the...
Tampa Bay Nitrogen Loads

Tampa Bay Nitrogen Loads

Nitrogen pollution affects water quality and can reduce seagrass coverage Tools Shiny Dashboard GitHub Source Code Publications 2009 Reasonable Assurance Addendum Zarbock et al. 1994 TBEP tech report...
Bay Scallops

Bay Scallops

Bay scallops are marine bivalves, or mollusks with a hinged shell, that are often found hidden among a forest of seagrass. Having a robust population of bay scallops in Tampa Bay is important for many reasons. Scallops are filter feeders and remove algae and organic...
Oyster Habitat Suitability Index

Oyster Habitat Suitability Index

Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) are ecosystem engineers and the reefs they build provide critical ecosystem services to coastal communities. The widespread loss of oyster reefs and the many ecosystem services they provide has led to the implementation of a...
Seagrass Assessment

Seagrass Assessment

Overview Seagrass is an important habitat for fish and other marine animals. It stabilizes sediment, produces oxygen, and reduces shoreline erosion. The coverage, species, and condition of seagrass are significant indicators of ecosystem health in Tampa Bay. Over the...
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