Dec 16, 2020 | Data Visualization, Habitats & Wildlife
Overview Seagrass is an important habitat for fish and other marine animals. It stabilizes sediment, produces oxygen, and reduces shoreline erosion. The coverage, species, and condition of seagrass are significant indicators of ecosystem health in Tampa Bay. Over the...
Dec 2, 2020 | Data Visualization, Habitats & Wildlife, Waters & Sediments
Overview Benthic invertebrates are a group of relatively small organisms that live the majority of their life cycles in or near bay bottom sediments. They are a food source for small fish and crustaceans and may provide some water quality benefits through sediment...
Aug 19, 2020 | Data Visualization, Waters & Sediments
The Tampa Bay Water Atlas is a collaborative effort between the University of South Florida Water Institute, TBEP, and our local partners. The Water Atlas is a data repository to help researchers, resource managers, and the general public better understand and...
Jul 13, 2020 | Data Visualization
GIS & Data Files Edit DateCategoryNameLinkMetadata 2013-02-26TBEP BoundariesTBEP Watershed Boundary as a Single PolygonGet Shapefile 2013-02-26TBEP BoundariesOriginal Bay Segment ZonelinesGet ShapefileGet Metadata 2013-02-26TBEP BoundariesBay Segment Boundaries w/...
Apr 28, 2020 | Data Visualization, Habitats & Wildlife
Overview The Tampa Bay Nekton Index (TBNI) is a multimetric assessment method that quantifies the ecological health of the nekton community (fish and selected invertebrates) in Tampa Bay. The TBNI uses catch data from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation...
Apr 6, 2020 | Data Visualization
The tbeptools R package is an open-source software program to read, analyze, and visualize data used by TBEP. Many of the data tools on our web page depend on functions within the tbeptools package to work with the raw data provided from our partners. Although...