Community Advisory Committee

Community Advisory Committee (CAC) members learn more about the issues and challenges facing Tampa Bay and share that knowledge with citizens in the watershed. We consider them the Tampa Bay Estuary Program’s “Citizen-Ambassadors” for the bay. From serving as judges for our Bay Mini-Grant program to providing insights from the communities and interest groups they represent, our CAC members are an invaluable resource, connecting our Program to the community. 

Members of the CAC are also responsible for the selection of the “Golden Mangrove Award” presented annually in recognition of TBEPs most outstanding Bay Mini-Grant from the preceding year. 

For more information, contact Community Programs Scientist, Sheila Scolaro.


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Join the Community Advisory Committee!

Are you interested in becoming a Community Ambassador for the bay? Fill out the TBEP Community Advisory Committee Application Form today!

Social Science Subcommittee

The Social Science Subcommittee was established in May 2023 to provide guidance and advice to the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on the human dimensions of conservation and restoration in the Tampa Bay watershed. The purpose of the subcommittee is to provide recommendations on research, education, and outreach priorities for achieving CCMP goals through the lens of social science theory and practice, spanning a variety of disciplines at the intersection of social and ecological systems. It consists of representatives from academia, the private and non-profit sectors, and local, regional, state and federal agency scientific and technical staff with expertise in social science and its application to environmental issues. Engaged citizens and affected user groups interested in furthering the goals of the CCMP or achieving targets in the Habitat Master Plan and Nitrogen Management Strategy may also participate in the subcommittee’s activities. For more information, contact Dr. Blake Simmons.


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Manatee Awareness Coalition

Since 1998, the Manatee Awareness Coalition (MAC) has been a leader in promoting science-based manatee protection efforts in Tampa Bay, and in creating innovative educational programs. The MAC is made up of a diverse group of local government officials, utility companies, scientists, and representatives of boating interests. For more information, contact Program Support Specialist, Jessica Lewis.


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Meeting Materials Library

DateCommitteeList of MaterialsLinkMeeting Recording
2025-03-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting AgendaGet MaterialsNot Available
2025-01-22Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, 2024 State of the Bay, TBEP Community Survey Results, Manatee Awareness Coalition Outreach Updates, Meeting ChatGet MaterialsView Recording
2024-10-30Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting AgendaGet MaterialsNot Available
2024-06-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Mirror Lake Restoration Presentation, TBEP Draft Communications PlanGet MaterialsView Recording
2024-03-27Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Meeting Attendees, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Moccasin Lake Restoration, Tips and Tricks for a successful Bay Mini-GrantGet MaterialsNot Available
2024-01-24Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Bay Mini-Grant Spotlight: Autism Inspired Plants!, Tampa Bay Watershed Passport, Bay Mini-Grant Review Criteria Update, Meeting Chat, Meeting AttendeesGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-11-13Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Bay Mini-Grant Review Criteria UpdatesGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-11-07Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda including Statewide Manatee Forum, Mortality and Rescue Updates, and Outreach Working Group Update
Get MaterialsView Recording
2023-10-25Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Meeting Attendees, Tampa Bay Waterkeeper Patrol Program, EPA Criminal Investigation Division, TBEP Hooked Birds Campaign: Phase 1Get MaterialsNot Available
2023-09-12Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda and Notes: Outreach Campaign Planning DiscussionGet Materials
2023-09-05Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda and Notes: Outreach Campaign Planning DiscussionGet MaterialsNot Available
2023-08-07Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda and NotesGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-07-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Bay Mini-Grant Spotlight: Ladyfish Luncheon, Bay Mini-Grant Spotlight: Using Cameras to Assess Faunal Abundance on Fort De Soto, TBEP Draft Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, TBEP Updates and Upcoming Opportunities, Attendee List, Chat LogGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-06-28Manatee Awareness CoalitionAgenda and PresentationGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-04-19Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Sanderlin Center Community Center Rain Garden Demonstration, TBEP Equity Strategy, TBEP State of the Bay, Chat Log, Attendee List Get MaterialsView Recording
2023-04-05Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda, Notes, and PresentationGet MaterialsNot Available
2023-01-25Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Nonna Stutzman CAC Application, SOCAN-GCAN Project Summary, Southeast Ocean Acidification Executive Summary, Gulf of Mexico Ocean Acidification Executive Summary, Socioeconomic & Environmental Vulnerabilities to Coastal Acidification Survey, TBEP State of the Bay, AttendeesGet MaterialsNot Available
2022-12-07Manatee Awareness CoalitionAgenda, FWC PresentationGet MaterialsView Recording
2022-09-21Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, George Davis Appointment, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Microplastics Monitoring Presentaton, Microplastics in Tampa Bay Presentation, Chat Log, Meeting AttendeesGet MaterialsView Recording
2022-06-22Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Gulfport Recreation Center Rain Garden Presentation, CAC Roles and Responsibilities, CAC Bylaws, Microplastics in CCMP, Chat Log, Meeting Attendees Get MaterialsView Recording
2022-01-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Attendee List, Chat Log, Guardians of the Gulf Spotlight, CCMP interim Update, Pipe-Up Campaign Update, Draft Work Plan FY2023 Outreach and Education Project ConceptsGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-06-23Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Attendees, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Bay Mini Grant Spotlight, 2020 Seagrass Results, CCMP Communication and Outreach PrioritiesGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-06-15Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda, Meeting Attendees, Water Quality & Seagrass Results, Manatees & Microplastics in Tampa Bay, State-wide Manatee Mortality Events, Future outreach efforts of the MACGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-03-24Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Attendees, Meeting Recording, Meeting Summary, CBWA Project Summary, Florida Aquarium World Oceans Day, Lights Camera Conservation at SYCC, Restoration at the Shores of Long BayouGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-01-27Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Hope SpotGet Materials
2020-10-21Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda Packet, Lost Coast Oyster CompanyGet Materials
2020-05-27Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2020-01-15Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-10-23Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-06-19Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-03-20Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-01-23Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2018-05-09Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2018-01-24Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-09-27Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-05-31Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-04-11Community Advisory CommitteeAnna Maria Turtle Watch Application, Anna Maria Turtle Watch Final Report, Around the Bend Application, Around the Bend Final Report, Art Center Manatee Application, Art Center Manatee Final Report, Blue Turtle Green Bird Application, Blue Turtle Green Bird Final Report, Friend of Boyd Hill Application, Friends of Boyd Hill Final Report, Friends of Boyd Hill ShowNTell, Judges Scoring Card, Judges Scoring by High Score, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Application, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Final Report, Keep Pinellas Beautiful ShowNTell, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Application, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Final Report, Lowry Zoo Application, Lowry Zoo Final Report, Lowry Zoo ShowNTell, MSA Application, MSA Final Report, Palma Sola Botanical Application, Palma Sola Botanical Final Report, Palma Sola Botanical ShowNTell,Stewart Middle Application, Stewart Middle 2nd Quarter Report, Tampa Bay Watch Application, Tampa Bay Watch 4th Quarter Report, Tampa Shores Application, Tampa Shores Final Report, Terrace Community School Application, Terrace Community School Final Report, UF IFAS ApplicationGet Materials
2017-03-22Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-01-25Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-09-28Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-05-16Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-03-16Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-01-27Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-09-23Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-05-20Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-03-25Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-01-21Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2012-03-28Community Advisory CommitteeAgenda, Florida Aquarium Presentation, Jungle Terrace Presentation, South St. Pete Bayou Cleanup Presentation, Mann-Wagnon Restoration Presentation, Watergoat Installation PresentationGet Materials
2011-09-11Community Advisory CommitteeSpecialty License Plate Tag PresentationGet Materials
2010-03-09Community Advisory CommitteeAround the Bend Final Report, Ballast Point Final Report, Bay Area Canoe Kayak Final Report, City of Bradenton Beach Final Report, Florida Aquarium Final Report, Florida Bay Conservancy Final Report, Friends of Pinellas Master Naturalists Final Report, Greater Pinellas Point Civic Asociation Final Report, Hillsborough River Frog Listening Final Report, lowry Park Zoo Final Report, Pasadeana Bear Creek Final Report, Quest Ecology Final Report, Save Our Seabirds Final Report, Golden Magrove Score Sheet.Get Materials
DateCommitteeList of MaterialsLinkMeeting Recording
2025-03-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting AgendaGet MaterialsNot Available
2025-01-22Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, 2024 State of the Bay, TBEP Community Survey Results, Manatee Awareness Coalition Outreach Updates, Meeting ChatGet MaterialsView Recording
2024-10-30Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting AgendaGet MaterialsNot Available
2024-06-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Mirror Lake Restoration Presentation, TBEP Draft Communications PlanGet MaterialsView Recording
2024-03-27Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Meeting Attendees, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Moccasin Lake Restoration, Tips and Tricks for a successful Bay Mini-GrantGet MaterialsNot Available
2024-01-24Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Bay Mini-Grant Spotlight: Autism Inspired Plants!, Tampa Bay Watershed Passport, Bay Mini-Grant Review Criteria Update, Meeting Chat, Meeting AttendeesGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-11-13Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Bay Mini-Grant Review Criteria UpdatesGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-11-07Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda including Statewide Manatee Forum, Mortality and Rescue Updates, and Outreach Working Group Update
Get MaterialsView Recording
2023-10-25Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Meeting Attendees, Tampa Bay Waterkeeper Patrol Program, EPA Criminal Investigation Division, TBEP Hooked Birds Campaign: Phase 1Get MaterialsNot Available
2023-09-12Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda and Notes: Outreach Campaign Planning DiscussionGet Materials
2023-09-05Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda and Notes: Outreach Campaign Planning DiscussionGet MaterialsNot Available
2023-08-07Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda and NotesGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-07-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Bay Mini-Grant Spotlight: Ladyfish Luncheon, Bay Mini-Grant Spotlight: Using Cameras to Assess Faunal Abundance on Fort De Soto, TBEP Draft Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, TBEP Updates and Upcoming Opportunities, Attendee List, Chat LogGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-06-28Manatee Awareness CoalitionAgenda and PresentationGet MaterialsView Recording
2023-04-19Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Sanderlin Center Community Center Rain Garden Demonstration, TBEP Equity Strategy, TBEP State of the Bay, Chat Log, Attendee List Get MaterialsView Recording
2023-04-05Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda, Notes, and PresentationGet MaterialsNot Available
2023-01-25Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Nonna Stutzman CAC Application, SOCAN-GCAN Project Summary, Southeast Ocean Acidification Executive Summary, Gulf of Mexico Ocean Acidification Executive Summary, Socioeconomic & Environmental Vulnerabilities to Coastal Acidification Survey, TBEP State of the Bay, AttendeesGet MaterialsNot Available
2022-12-07Manatee Awareness CoalitionAgenda, FWC PresentationGet MaterialsView Recording
2022-09-21Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, George Davis Appointment, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Microplastics Monitoring Presentaton, Microplastics in Tampa Bay Presentation, Chat Log, Meeting AttendeesGet MaterialsView Recording
2022-06-22Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Gulfport Recreation Center Rain Garden Presentation, CAC Roles and Responsibilities, CAC Bylaws, Microplastics in CCMP, Chat Log, Meeting Attendees Get MaterialsView Recording
2022-01-26Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Attendee List, Chat Log, Guardians of the Gulf Spotlight, CCMP interim Update, Pipe-Up Campaign Update, Draft Work Plan FY2023 Outreach and Education Project ConceptsGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-06-23Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Attendees, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Bay Mini Grant Spotlight, 2020 Seagrass Results, CCMP Communication and Outreach PrioritiesGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-06-15Manatee Awareness CoalitionMeeting Agenda, Meeting Attendees, Water Quality & Seagrass Results, Manatees & Microplastics in Tampa Bay, State-wide Manatee Mortality Events, Future outreach efforts of the MACGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-03-24Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Attendees, Meeting Recording, Meeting Summary, CBWA Project Summary, Florida Aquarium World Oceans Day, Lights Camera Conservation at SYCC, Restoration at the Shores of Long BayouGet MaterialsView Recording
2021-01-27Community Advisory CommitteeMeeting Agenda, Hope SpotGet Materials
2020-10-21Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda Packet, Lost Coast Oyster CompanyGet Materials
2020-05-27Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2020-01-15Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-10-23Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-06-19Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-03-20Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2019-01-23Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2018-05-09Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2018-01-24Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-09-27Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-05-31Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-04-11Community Advisory CommitteeAnna Maria Turtle Watch Application, Anna Maria Turtle Watch Final Report, Around the Bend Application, Around the Bend Final Report, Art Center Manatee Application, Art Center Manatee Final Report, Blue Turtle Green Bird Application, Blue Turtle Green Bird Final Report, Friend of Boyd Hill Application, Friends of Boyd Hill Final Report, Friends of Boyd Hill ShowNTell, Judges Scoring Card, Judges Scoring by High Score, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Application, Keep Pinellas Beautiful Final Report, Keep Pinellas Beautiful ShowNTell, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Application, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Final Report, Lowry Zoo Application, Lowry Zoo Final Report, Lowry Zoo ShowNTell, MSA Application, MSA Final Report, Palma Sola Botanical Application, Palma Sola Botanical Final Report, Palma Sola Botanical ShowNTell,Stewart Middle Application, Stewart Middle 2nd Quarter Report, Tampa Bay Watch Application, Tampa Bay Watch 4th Quarter Report, Tampa Shores Application, Tampa Shores Final Report, Terrace Community School Application, Terrace Community School Final Report, UF IFAS ApplicationGet Materials
2017-03-22Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2017-01-25Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-09-28Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-05-16Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-03-16Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2016-01-27Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-09-23Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-05-20Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-03-25Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2015-01-21Community Advisory CommitteeCAC Meeting Agenda PacketGet Materials
2012-03-28Community Advisory CommitteeAgenda, Florida Aquarium Presentation, Jungle Terrace Presentation, South St. Pete Bayou Cleanup Presentation, Mann-Wagnon Restoration Presentation, Watergoat Installation PresentationGet Materials
2011-09-11Community Advisory CommitteeSpecialty License Plate Tag PresentationGet Materials
2010-03-09Community Advisory CommitteeAround the Bend Final Report, Ballast Point Final Report, Bay Area Canoe Kayak Final Report, City of Bradenton Beach Final Report, Florida Aquarium Final Report, Florida Bay Conservancy Final Report, Friends of Pinellas Master Naturalists Final Report, Greater Pinellas Point Civic Asociation Final Report, Hillsborough River Frog Listening Final Report, lowry Park Zoo Final Report, Pasadeana Bear Creek Final Report, Quest Ecology Final Report, Save Our Seabirds Final Report, Golden Magrove Score Sheet.Get Materials
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