Oct 20, 2020 | Educational Products, Training Resources
Comprehensive Planning for Clean Water: Tools and Strategies This session provides background on the challenges faced by local government planners and resource managers, particularly as they relate to environmental protection. Maya Burke, TBEP, and Cara Woods Serra,...
Aug 13, 2020 | Educational Products, Training Resources
Bay Mini-Grant Instructional Webinar Learn how to write a competitive project proposal for the Bay Mini-Grant program with this step-by-step grant writing guide. Bay Mini-Grants are cash awards up to $5,000 for community organizations with projects addressing bay...
Jul 31, 2020 | Digital Challenge Grant, Digital Challenge Grants, Educational Products
Visualizing Restoration in Tampa Bay After being awarded a Digital Challenge Grant, Tyler DeMonde worked with TBEP staff to develop a Tampa Bay Habitat Restoration StoryMap using TBEP’s Best Management Practices Manual to address the restoration of critical...
Jul 29, 2020 | Behavior Change, Community, Educational Products, Help the Bay, Water Quality
Scoop That Poop! Pooches for the Planet Every day in the Tampa Bay area, about 125 tons of pet waste is deposited on the ground. That can add up to a pile of problems. Unscooped pet waste increases health risks by allowing harmful bacteria and nutrients to wash into...
Jul 29, 2020 | Be Floridian, Educational Products, Fertilizer Runoff, Stormwater
Be Floridian: Summer-safe Products Tips on alternative fertilizer products for Florida lawns and gardens that are preferable during the summer rainy season. Watch...
Jul 29, 2020 | Educational Products, Featured Products, Resources We Love
Streaming Science Meet real-world scientists and learn about STEM careers and research through UF’s new “Streaming Science” initiative from the comfort of your own home. Visit...