Doing Business with the Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Thank you for your interest in doing business with the Tampa Bay Estuary Program. It is our intent to select the best-qualified firms and agencies to provide the services necessary to meet our responsibilities under the Interlocal Agreement. The TBEP Policy Board supports equity in procurement practices and solicits from businesses or other organizations owned or certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) whenever possible. We procure goods and services in a transparent, fair, and ethical way that encourages competition and is consistent with applicable laws, policies and procedures.
Procurement Thresholds
Pursuant to Chapter 287.057(3)(e), Florida Statutes, contractual services provided by governmental agencies (including state universities), single source, artistic services, auditing services, legal services, and educational events offered to the public can be excluded from the competitve bidding process. Unless otherwise exempt, the following thresholds apply:
Threshold | Solicitation Requirement |
$20,000 or less | One to three written quotes |
Greater than $35,000 | Formal competitive procurement requiring public advertisement and a sealed response |
Solicitation Types
Request for Quotes (RFQ)
- Informal solicitation
- Clearly defined smaller purchases of goods or services up to $100,000
- Response may be submitted via email
Request for Bid (RFB)
- Formal solicitation, also known as an “invitation to bid”
- Call to contractors to submit a bid on a project for a specific good or service
- Generally awarded to the lowest bidder
Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Formal solicitation that is evaluated based on multiple criteria by a committee
- May provide for negotiation of terms before award
- Price is not the primary evaluation factor
Request for Qualifications (RFQu)
- Formal solicitation for architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, surveying, mapping and construction management services in accordance with FL Statute 287.055
Note: Price is not a factor in selection of the most qualified firm.
Invitation to Negotiate (ITN)
- Formal solicitation that is a hybrid of the RFP and RFQu
- Allows for refining of general scope through negotiation process
- Factors other than price are considered
Payment Information
Vendors must receive authorization (in the form of a purchase order, contract agreement, or intergovernmental agreement) before starting work. TBEP’s preferred payment method is manual check.
Vendors must be registered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system as required by Florida Statute 488.095. To register, log on to
Active Solicitations
Tampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund
The Tampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund (TBERF) is a competitive grant program that supports habitat restoration and water quality improvement projects, applied research, and education priorities in the Tampa Bay watershed. Proposals for the 2025 TBERF are currently being accepted through March 12, 2025.
Habitat Master Plan Implementation - Oyster Restoration
The Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP) is soliciting proposals to create oyster reef habitat (<5 acres) in highly-suitable segments of the Manatee River and/or Old Tampa Bay. Proposed projects should provide measurable progress toward the additional 241 acres needed to reach the restoration goal adopted in the Habitat Master Plan (2020 Update). Planning, design, and permitting activities are not eligible for support. Up to $60,000 may be made available for this project. Answers to questions submitted by the March 21 deadline will be posted by March 25. Proposals must be submitted electronically by 2:00 p.m. on April 4, 2025.