Jul 29, 2020 | Behavior Change, Community, Educational Products, Help the Bay, Water Quality
Scoop That Poop! Pooches for the Planet Every day in the Tampa Bay area, about 125 tons of pet waste is deposited on the ground. That can add up to a pile of problems. Unscooped pet waste increases health risks by allowing harmful bacteria and nutrients to wash into...
Apr 29, 2020 | Be Floridian, Behavior Change, Boating and Fishing, Community, Educational Products, Featured Products, Fertilizer Runoff, High School, Middle School, Stormwater, Water Quality
In Florida, summer rains don’t water fertilizer in — they wash it off our lawns and into our lakes, bays and oceans. The excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the water feeds algae blooms that use up oxygen, kill fish and turn the water the color of pea soup. As more and...