Explore the Plan

Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for Tampa Bay

Charting the Course is our community’s blueprint for action over a 10-year planning horizon. The plan synthesizes years of scientific research and policies to address the bay’s most pressing problems. It reflects broad-based input from citizens, stakeholders, and communities with a common interest in a healthy bay as the cornerstone of a prosperous economy. Organized around three programmatic priorities, the CCMP presents 16 action plans, 38 actions, and 163 activities needed to sustain progress in bay restoration through the year 2027. It addresses lingering historical challenges – such as reducing nutrient pollution and restoring key habitats – while also turning attention towards new or emerging concerns – such as impacts of climate change.  

Click the icons in the map to explore specific action plans.


Goals: Clean Waters and Sediments

  1. Reduce or preclude nutrient loadings in the bay from all sources, to meet water quality targets and maintain at least 40,000 acres of seagrass baywide.
  2. Reduce the frequency and duration of harmful algal blooms
  3. Reduce the amount of toxic chemicals in contaminated bay sediments and protect relatively clean areas of the bay from contamination
  4. Reduce pollution from microplastics and emerging contaminants of concern
  5. Reduce bacterial contamination from sources in the watershed to maintain recreational uses of the bay such as fishing and swimming

Goals: Thriving Habitats and Abundant Wildlife

  1. Maximize the potential habitat protection and restoration opportunities areas within the Tampa Bay watershed, reaching the following goals for each habitat type by no later than 2050:
    • 40,000 acres of seagrass meadows
    • 5,457 acres salt marshes
    • 471 acres oyster bars 56 miles living shoreline
    • 423 acres of hard bottom 18 miles tidal tributaries
    • 166 acres artificial reefs 4,219 acres coastal uplands
    • 16,200 acres tidal flats 71,787 acres non-forested freshwater wetlands
    • 15,300 acres mangrove forests 152,732 acres forested freshwater wetlands
    • 796 acres salt barrens 142,100 acres native uplands
  2. Assess and monitor mitigation of freshwater wetlands, estuarine wetlands, hard bottom and other habitat types
  3. Enhance ecosystem values of tidal tributaries
  4. Identify and implement appropriate beneficial uses of dredged material in Tampa Bay Increase on-water enforcement of environmental regulations
  5. Achieve a sustainable bay scallop population
  6. Preserve the abundance and diversity of Tampa Bay’s fish and wildlife
  7. Reduce the risk of oil or chemical spills in the bay and protect high-priority environmentally sensitive areas
  8. Secure a permanent funding source for the Physical Oceanographic Real Time System (PORTS) of navigational information
  9. Reduce impacts of existing and potential harmful invasive species in Tampa Bay and its watershed

Goals: Informed, Engaged, Responsible Community

  1. Foster equitable and appropriate access to the bay and address competing uses
  2. Create a constituency of informed, involved community members who engage in actions to protect the bay and actively participate in restoring and protecting it.
  3. Integrate CCMP goals, actions, and priorities in local government comprehensive plans and development guidance
  4. Assess the effects of climate change on the bay’s ecology and support adaptation actions that promote long-term ecosystem and community resilience

A History of Tampa Bay: Key Milestones in the Restoration of Tampa Bay, 1950–Present

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