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Introducing the Tampa Bay Community Survey



You’re invited to complete a new survey about your experiences in the Tampa Bay area!

The Tampa Bay Estuary Program is launching a new multi-year study to learn about the priorities, attitudes, perceptions, activities, and well-being of Tampa Bay residents. This data will be used to inform TBEP’s priorities for improving the state of the bay and enhancing the well-being of the diverse people that call Tampa Bay home.

What’s involved?

If you’d like to participate in the study, click the link below to access the 2024 Tampa Bay Community Survey. The survey takes about 20 minutes, but you don’t have to complete it in one sitting. After you complete the survey, that’s it! Nothing more is needed. Participation is entirely voluntary. There is no cost to participate, and no compensation is being offered for your participation. While we can’t guarantee any direct benefit to you, we hope we can use the results to find new strategies for improving the environment and overall quality of life for communities across the Tampa Bay watershed.

This study is considered low risk. The main risks to you are fatigue due to the length of the survey, and some people may feel minor discomfort when answering questions on their concerns about their environment, community, and well-being. You may quit the survey at any time if you do not want to continue, and you may skip questions about your well-being if you feel uncomfortable.

Who is it for?

The Tampa Bay Community Survey is open to all residents within the Tampa Bay watershed that are at least 18 years old. Not sure if you live within our watershed boundary? Check out this map to see if you’re eligible to participate.

Want more info?

If you’d like more information or have questions about this new research initiative, you can contact the lead researcher:

Dr. Blake Simmons, Environmental Social Scientist

(727) 893-2765,

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