Wood You Give-A-Day for the Bay?
TBEP and St. Petersburg College, and
Keep Pinellas Beautiful
for a
Give-a-Day for the Bay Cleanup
Bay Pines STEM Center
February 20th
Marine debris in Tampa Bay doesn’t just consist of plastics. It also include natural products, like wood. Pilings, docks pieces, and construction lumber also make there way into our Bay and these materials frequently wash into mangrove forests and can harm the ecosystem. We need your help to remove them, but we’d love to see them re-purposed!
Are you looking for reclaimed wood? Are you crafty and in need of aged lumber scraps for your next project? Are you interested in building a bench, boho-beach themed headboard, raised garden bed, but don’t want to spend $$ on lumber? We’ve got you covered!
Join the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, Keep Pinellas Beautiful and St. Petersburg College on February 20th from 9 am to 12 pm for a Give-a-Day for the Bay unlike any other. During this Give-A-Day, you will have the opportunity to cleanup an area plagued with lumber and drift wood materials! We are encouraging you to take as much aged lumber as you want!
** If you are interested in participating by:
1) helping collect wood from the property, but don’t plan on taking any with you;
2) loading the wood you want, but not collecting it yourself
Then contact to be added to the waitlist. Priority will be given to volunteers who want to collect and take the wood home.
Bagged lunch to take to-go will be provided.
Free lunch and free lumber? This is an event you don’t want to miss! Register today by clicking here!